Order Via On-line or Fax/Mail
Ordering on-line is easy! Please click here to fill out our on-line order form. A new browser will open, allowing you to make your selections and, if you choose, review the detailed description of the item(s) you're choosing. As you make your selections, all charges, including shipping and any applicable taxes, and our contribution to ChildReach, will be figured automatically.
When your order is complete you have the option of placing your order online via our secure server or printing the order and faxing or mailing it to us.
by Fax/Mail
If you are uncomfortable about ordering products on-line, or
if you prefer to pay by check, simply use our Fax/Mail
Order Form. Fill out the form on-line and it will
calculate sales tax, shipping costs, and the ChildReach
Organization donation. Print it using your browser
"Print" button and mail or fax it to us. At no
time is your information transferred over the Internet so there
is no risk. You may also print the form and fill it out by
you for your order and your donation to ChildReach Organization.